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Helping Hands begins first rounds of donations

The current economic crisis in Sri Lanka has driven the common man into depths of poverty. With it, their right to health, education, and proper standards of living has been jeopardized. Responding to this call for help, the CGPSL partnered with the Gammada initiative to alleviate some of the hardships faced by those affected severely.


The council members of CGPSL met the officials of news first to hand over their first contribution to the project on the 14th of September 2022 at the Capital Maharaja premises, which officials and advisors from both parties attended, including Mr. Chevan Daniel (the Group Director of Capital Maharaja Group), Mr. Yasarath Kamalsiri (Director General Manager – News First), Mr. Keneth Weerakkody – Gammadda National Organizer), Mr. Prasanna Athukorala (General Secretary – Gammadda), Ms. Anushka Lewke (Legal and special projects officer of Gammadda) and other key officials from Gammadda and MTV network.


Dr.K Chandrasekher (Advisor of Helping Hands Project, a Past President of the CGPSL and a current member of CGPSL Council), Dr.Indika Karunamuni (Chairperson of Helping Hands Project of CGPSL and a council member of CGPSL), Dr.Gobith Ratnam (Secretary of the Helping Hands Project and a council member CGPSL), Dr.Bihan De Silva (Treasurer of the Helping Hands Project and member of the CGPSL council represented the College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka.


During the event, Dr. K. Chandrasekher, Advisor and Past President of the CGPSL, said: “We are greatly privileged as the College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka to be partners of the Gammadda team in this project. The College is interested in looking into three aspects. One is giving provisions for families so they can live their daily lives. Then comes education, since no child should be out of school due to poverty. The third focus is that we want those families to stand on their own feet”


As one of this project’s main objectives is to provide dry rations to selected families, this monetary contribution will provide adequate rations to seven families for six months. This is a far-reaching project which will be implemented in stages. The eager contributions from both parties will undoubtedly be a stepping stone for the project’s success.

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